Our Services

Electrical Engineering
safety and reliability
- Concept Design
- Preparation of Electrical Scheme
- Design of EHT/HT Substation
- Lighting Design
- Surge Protection
- Earthig Design
- Short Circuit Study
- Relay Coordination Study
- Electrical Safety Audit
- Harmonic Analysis
- Detailed Estimate
- Preparation and Evaluation of Tender Documents
- Assistance in testing and commissioning

Renewable Energy
Saving environment
- Design of solar power plant
- Selection of solar modules
- Selection of invertors and String Junction Boxes
- Preparation of schematic diagrams
- Solar panels arrangement
- Module mounting structures
- Selection of DC and AC cables
- Power evacuation arrangement
- Estimate & Tender Preparation
- Preparation of estimate and tender
- Assistance in getting approval
- Assistance in energisation

Communication IT Infrastructure
Building Automation
- Design of BMS and Communication system
- Server Design and Network security
- Switching and routing systems
- Cable TV Networks
- Public Address syetems
- CCTV networks
- Access Control systems
- Medical instrumentation
- Estimate & Tender Preparation
- Vendor Identification
- Implementation checks and verifications
- Final Acceptance Tests

HVAC Plumbing Fire Protection
Economic design
- Heat load calculations
- Design of schematic diagrams
- Selection of equipments
- Water supply distribution
- Water treatment plants
- Sewage collection and treatment
- Fire and smoke detection system
- Fire pumps calculations
- Hydrant systems
- Sprinkler systems
- Fire alarm and voice evacuation
- Preparation of Estimate and Tender
- Evaluation of bid and selection of contractor
- Implementation checks and verifications